Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dresden Statues

Photo shoot example of a statue in Dresden.....Statues that look down on the rebuilt inner city of Dresden...This photo is one of my most favourite photos...!

Photo shoot of extraordinary play of light and shade

Reflected light from the floor, creating an extraordinary play of light and shade.
The different shades of colour in the should be noticed, and they were during my visit to this city, using my first humble digital camera I targeted its photographic lens on subjects that I felt were worthwhile taking pictures off

Light and Shades of Arches in Dresden

Dresden is firmly in this pattern; as a city of independent parts, that helps create photo shoots from octagonal galleries resting on eight equal arches the vast and lofty stone offers the delicate play of light and shade, while the many statues along Dresden streets make this city an aspiring photographers fotographic dream.